Benjamin Cowen: Untamed Bitcoin

benjamin cowen untamed bitcoin quote

Last updated on March 5, 2022. Are you following Socratoshi Nakaplato on Twitter?

This post is a part of our Blockchain Quotes series.

Benjamin Cowen is the founder and CEO of Into The Cryptoverse.

He is a quantitative analyst that provides high-quality crypto analysis. He has a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering with a background in Computational Mathematics & Programming.

His thoughts on Bitcoin:

“You cannot tame Bitcoin. It never cares what you think. It is going to do whatever it wants.”

Do you agree with Benjamin Cowen? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Useful links:

Check the video below where Benjamin Cowen discusses with PlanB about the Stock-To-Flow model, lengthening cycles, and diminishing returns:

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